An Inside Look at Michelman Piano

On occasion, when I am dealing with new clients, or simply clients who are not well versed in Piano Tuning; the number one question I am asked is "What does this process entail". I encourage these clients to visit my site, and educate themeselves, after we converse for a bit. However, I am aware, that while a picture is worth one thousand words, I am to presume that a video is worth one million words.

My good friend, went through the careful process of putting my process on video, and I am extremely happy with the results, and I know you will too. I want you to not only trust in my process, a process I have carefully honed for the past 20 years and counting; but I also want you to know who I am, and why I am the best choice for your piano technician and tuning needs. Thank you for visiting, and thank you for watching.


I. Marie Nabut